massagers for everyone

Why Choose Us?

Massagesplusmore is dedicated to make sure we source high quality massagers for our customers.That said,our massagers have to meet high quality safety tests,and must meet the H.S.E STANDARDS as recommended by the American association of massage therapist and occupational medical practitioners of america.All our massagers must and will meet all safety and  medical standards. .We are different from other stores ,since we make sure all our massagers are tested by us first,to get the personal experience of the massagers we at massagesplusmore sell,before we give it to approved medical therapist to use on their clients.We at massagesplusmore,thus have 3 layers of test and approval process,before we put massagers on our store or website.

  We are very happy, to have bought our first  massager for me and my husband from massagesplusmore . The massagers were efficient and reliable,provided good healing for our muscles,good quality . Great pleasure and very soothing,we will definitely be patronising them again.

Beth and Mike Mulkin


Beth Mulkin
Georgia Realtor

Great massagers that work very well, very reliable and meet all the safety guidelines of H.S.E, and at very reasonable prices for products of such high quality!.as a massage therapist i highly  recommend massagesplusmore .

Erik Johnson

Los Angeles,CA

Erik Johnson, massage therapist

Product quality is top-notch. Shipping is fast. Customer service is AMAZING. I honestly can’t recommend massagesplusmore enough.

Amanda Mitchell,


Amanda Mitchell

Great massagers that work, at Great prices.Me and my partner bought 4 massagers from massagesplusmore, with  fast delivery. No hassle shopping. we will definitely be coming back for more.I strongly recommend massagesplusmore anytime.

John Darwin,


John Darwin
graphic artist

About Us

Joan Douglas

V.P product development

massagesplusmore was established in 2019, in Atlanta,GA, to cater for every niche of massagers..We are only interested in providing high quality massagers,approved by U.S Massage therapists.We do our due dilligence in sourcing highest quality  massagers.,that will make our customers feeling healthier and better.Our investigation that there are hidden dangers inthe safety of massagers and especially electric heating massagers,in the market place,are known to overheat,leak and generally not functioning well.We at massagesplusmore make sure to put our products though a very rigorous texting from the most experienced massage therapist ,we can find. Every massager before we put it on our website goes through this text.We are providing a safer solution to make sure our customers buy safer massagers ,that provide a healthy and safer solution to our customers needs and desires of having a heathy lifestyle,free of pain and unhappiness.We at massagesplusmore pride our business as being based on  WELLNESS and HAPPINESS.


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